Friday, April 23, 2010

Don't be scared...

Don’t let the new study on exercise and weight gain that just hit all the media scare you! 

Dr. I-Min Lee of Brigham and Woman’s Hospital in Boston and her colleagues found that in order for women to prevent weight gain over time, they need an hour of  moderate exercise each day.

If you read carefully, there is some good news.  

First, this study along with other new research is finally beginning to distinguish between being fit and being thin, making it clear that fitness - not thinness - prevents disease.  Thinness and fitness are two different goals, and  fitness requires a lot less exercise then 60 minutes a day. 

Secondly, 60 minutes a day of exercise is required only if you are consuming, as they termed it, "the usual American diet," which contains too much fat and too many calories. If instead you choose to eat a more healthy diet and consume fewer calories then “the usual American diet” you can maintain low body fat and good weight in less then 60 minutes a day.

The bottom line is, you can exercise less than 60 minutes a day if:
  • You already eat a healthy diet and just want to be fit.
  • You want to lower your body fat, get fit and are willing to reduce your calories and eat a healthier diet.
However, plan on spending more than 60 minutes exercising if:
  • You are thin and want stay thin while continuing to eat “the usual American diet.” 
  • You are already overweight and want to lower your body weight and continue eating the “usual American diet.”
Check out this attached video with a brief interview of Dr. I-Min Lee.


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